My precious Ethan turned 4 this year, its hard to believe that this once so fragile and delicate little preemie is now a very rough and tumble(although very sensitive) little man . He went in for his 4 year check up and is topping the charts in weight at 39.8lbs (90th%) and height at 41 1/2 inches (75th%). It was amazing to me that I actually got the "make sure he is active and eating healthy foods" talk. All in all he is developing great and nothing points to his preemie beginnings other than the possibility of his sensitive hearing, which the Dr. said may or may not have anything to due with his premature birth and only a pediatric ENT Dr. could tell us for sure.
Now onto the fun stuff :) For Ethan's 4th birthday he decided he wanted to have a "happy" monster party. So that's what we did and all I can say is thank you Oriental Trading company because I didn't have a clue where to find Monster themed birthday stuff in the middle of April.
We let the kids decorate their own Spider cupcake instead of doing a birthday cake. I think they really enjoyed it and probably ate more candy than actually putting it on their cupcake.
Yeah !! Birthday song time, we managed a half a smile out of the grumpy birthday boy. At least this year we didn't see any tears or ear covering.
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