Tuesday, March 16, 2010

19 weeks and counting...

So technically its not half way there, but given my history we are. I had my Anatomy ultrasound yesterday as well as a consultation appointment with the Perinatologist (i.e. High Risk OB). Other than the long wait everything went great. Preston is still most definitely Preston. He looks perfect in every way, all of his organs were functioning properly and appropriate size. He was sitting breech with his head up by my ribs but with as active as he is I am sure he will move no problem. He weighs around 8 oz. and was measuring right on... so still due August 10th. I met with the perinatologist after the ultrasound and we discussed my current medicines and what we for see happening with this pregnancy. He said although its no guarantee, usually you deliver around the same time as previous deliveries... so that puts me anytime between June 29th (34weeks) - July 20th (37weeks) if history repeats itself. It was nice talking with a dr. that realizes I have done tons of research on my issues and know a lot about the medicines and such that can be used to stop labor. He confirmed that the plans Dr. Noorda and I have for starting the 17-P shots was great but said the brethine and procardia I was on with Caitlyn were not worth the side effects. I totally agree, the itching and racing heart were no fun. He also said if I go into Active labor anytime after 34 weeks they would most likely let me deliver as babies do well at that gestation ( which we experienced with Ethan). All in all it was a very comforting appointment to know that what me and my OB are doing is right on the money and there really isn't anything else we should be doing at this point.

Here are some pictures of Preston's Anatomy from my ultrasound yesterday and a new picture of the growing belly.


Todd Sorensen said...

you are the cutest thing ever.. Love the pictures of my grandson....