Saturday, February 13, 2010

Whats Your Guess...

Our next Ultrasound is March 15th, we should be able to find out what this new little one is for sure. In the meantime we are having some fun with all the online quizzes and Old wives tales trying to figure out what this little one is. Here is what we have predicted so far...

¨ Chinese Gender Prediction chart= GIRL
¨ Moon Phase= BOY
¨ Online Gender predictor test= BOY
¨ If the mother's age at conception and the year of conception. = BOY
¨ Old Wives tale about heart rate= GIRL
¨ Biorhythm Chart= BOY
¨ Ring Test= GIRL
¨ Cabbage Water test= BOY
¨ Old Wives Tale Quiz= 53% BOY 47% GIRL
¨ Cosmitec= BOY
¨ Mom’s Guess= GIRL
¨ Dad’s Guess= BOY
¨ Jocelyn’s Guess= BOY
¨ Ethan’s Guess= BOY

Okay your turn take my Poll and tell my what you think.. GIRL or BOY?


Kristen said...

Well, obviously according to all the results, you'll be having one of each - twins!! : ) LOL